2008 Fleet Rendezvous
June 21, 2008
The Fleet held its Spring Rendezvous on Saturday, June 21. Six Alerions, their owners and guests turned out for an afternoon of close racing on the Tred Avon River off Oxford. Unfortunately, the first full day of a Chesapeake summer lived up to its windless reputation. While racing had to be abandoned for the day, an early start to the party provided even more time for talking boats.
Four AE28’s from the area, Frolic (Paul and Susan Rohrkemper), Jessica (Bud and Kit Hughes), Kerstis III (Don and Anne Kerstetter) and Miss Judie (Don and Judie Goodliffe) were joined by two boats from the western shore of the Bay, Ergo (Dave Cochran) and Resilient (Bob Spann and Beth Whiteley). Crewing with the owners were guests Ken and Pat Goldmann on Miss Judie, Bill Marras on Ergo and Casey Brennan on Resilient. Jim and Marcia Luke, owners of Rampant, joined in the shore-side activities.
Several of the boats were on the river earlier than planned to watch the Cardboard Boat Races held on Oxford’s Strand that day. The calm wind and seas were a boon to the paddlers in their fragile craft. But when the six Alerions converged on the starting area for the first race, the dead flat calm meant there would be no sailing for a while. Racing was postponed indefinitely so the fleet motored to the Goodliffe’s home on Plaindealing Creek for some shade and a cooling dip in the pool, all the while looking for any signs the wind had come up. After snacks and a few libations, racing was abandoned for the day by common consent.
In addition to the normal “comparing notes and talking boats” that goes on anytime two or more sailors are gathered in one place, Jim Luke brought summaries of a recent owner’s survey of his Alerion which generated even more discussion. Hamburgers, hot dogs and barbecued chicken with all the fixings capped a lovely, if windless, day. Since no racing prizes could be awarded, a make-up regatta will be held later this summer.